
Tax audits of account books and tax files

We carry out comprehensive tax reviews of all the tax settlements of our clients, as well as reviews focused on the detailed verification of specific taxes or areas of a unit’s activity.

The basic aim of every tax review is always:

  • diagnosing tax settlements, the correctness of the principles employed for settling with the national budget, the budgets of units of local self-governments, as well as providing information regarding possible errors,
  • indicating irregularities or operations characterized by tax risk,
  • determining the scope and effects of potential adjustments,
  • indicating situations which do not constitute unambiguous violations of tax law, but with respect to their various possible interpretations could raise doubts of potential tax or revenue inspections,
  • indicating solutions that allow for the elimination of irregularities or restriction of the tax risk,
  • indicating solutions that allow for optimization of tax settlements.

Audits which are aimed at diagnosing principles of documentation and settlement of economic operations implemented by a unit, as well as identifying types and areas of operation in which tax-related problems might occur, include:

  • an analysis of the legal status of the enterprise with regard to its impact on the sphere of taxation,
  • an analysis of bookkeeping documentation and contracts regulating the principles of cooperation with providers and receivers,
  • analytical reviews of data resulting from account books,
  • a review of the financial statement and account books.



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